Does the brand of nutritional supplements really matter?
What to look for from your supplement brand and how to recognize a quality manufacturer.
What to look for from your supplement brand and how to recognize a quality manufacturer.
It is critical for you to know that, according to Ladd McNamera, MD: “there are well over 89 medical studies showing that high vitamin D blood levels (which can only be obtained by supplementing with more than 400 IU/day …) reduce nearly all cancers, including cancers of the colon, rectum, …
Vitamins: Can you feel the difference?
“Despite all the hype, many large studies involving statins have failed to show much benefit. Major studies have concluded there’s no difference in death rates or cardiac incidences for those taking statins for high cholesterol”…Dr. Northrup
I am an Independent Associate/Distributor with USANA Health Sciences, Inc. USANA nutritional supplements, weight-management and body/skin-care products are truly in a class by themselves, providing cellular nutrition from the inside out and the outside in. Visit my personal USANA website for more information about health, wellness, and/or building wealth. No …