About This Site
I have learned so much about health, especially in the last 10 years, that I feel compelled to share some of the body’s wisdom.
This website refers to a wealth of quality health resources and information and may help you sift through information rather than feel like you’re drowning in it. I hope that you will learn or become curious about something as a result of what you find on this website.
My goal is to help you learn to prevent chronic illness and optimize wellness by providing access to a wider range of health information. Read about my journey to health for more details about how I came upon this knowledge.
An important part of my journey was the discovery of USANA Health Sciences. My best friend introduced me to the company, and I have always trusted her to seek out the highest quality in everything.
I believe diversity makes us strong, quality is worth the effort and expense, and nothing can make up for a lack of integrity. These values – diversity, quality, and integrity – have served as guiding principles in my personal and work life and influenced my decision to partner with USANA and Dr. Christiane Northrup.
For these reasons, I became an independent associate/distributor for USANA Health Sciences, Inc.
“Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.” — Samuel Johnson