I am an Independent Associate/Distributor with USANA Health Sciences, Inc. USANA nutritional supplements, weight-management and body/skin-care products are truly in a class by themselves, providing cellular nutrition from the inside out and the outside in. Visit my personal USANA website for more information about health, wellness, and/or building wealth. No pressure, no commitments. My hope is simply to provide resources and open doors for those who are seeking something more in life, now or in the future. I offer this in the spirit of sharing openly and with the wish that you will honor me by returning to my personal website if you decide to purchase products or pursue opportunities with USANA. [If you’re shy, it’s possible to order products through my website and remain anonymous to me, but I’d be happy to answer questions or make suggestions.] Happy exploring!
Optimize Health with USANA
It’s so exciting to support people in improving their health or optimizing wellness. My life was changed when I discovered the importance of high-quality supplements – I could feel a difference! I want to share this experience with others. Even if you’re just curious, please take a closer look at USANA.
Seek Financial Health with USANA
When I listen to Suzy Orman or Dr. Chris Northrup, I understand that it is difficult to gain complete health when finances are a constant stress. USANA has provided outstanding opportunities for change for many through a well-regarded compensation plan, top-rated supplements, and the “power of two” (USANA’s binary plan allows business success by personally sponsoring as few as 2 people). Find out more when you visit my personal USANA website – watch the online presentation or ask me to email videos and other information to you. Contact me to help yourself and others now…Partner with me on Team Northrup for an exceptional home-based business opportunity.